Seattle City Hall

Seattle City Hall
600 4th Avenue

Leaves placed September 18, 2024

? Avenue 

Leaves placed October 11, 2023

4th Avenue

Leaves placed October 12, 2022

4th Avenue

5th Avenue

Leaves placed October 13, 2021

4th Avenue

Buford Terwilleger 1975–2020
Andrew Busch 1985–2020
Dominic Madura 1992–2020
Lacresha Bolar 1987–2020
Teddy Werre 1951–2020
Erick Lee Dunn 1970–2020
David Milton Pledger 1967–2020
Mohamed Hersi 1986–2021
Kyle Bradford 1991–2021
Lisa Vach 1982–2020

5th Avenue

Ian Cummings 1989–2019
Lantz Rowland 1956–2017
Kevin Rogers 1979–2018
Bryan “Fox” Bracken 1975–2020
James Hayes 1961–2020
Theresa Simon 1962–2021
Jose Guadalupe Gonzalez 1965–2020
Daine White 1987–2020
Curtis Robinson 1971–2021
Baby Girl B 2020–2020

One Comment

  • Lamell Bolar

    Can I get a picture for my family of my sister Lacresha Bolar? I’m her younger brother but oldest out of the boys. I’m now the oldest since her passing and I have a lot to fulfill. I just want to say thank you for keeping her name alive cause she was not just a beautiful person outside and inside too. I wish the world got to know her when she was alive. Thanks to you guys her name will forever be part of the city we loved. I remember when we were kids and someone asked us if we would ever move out of Seattle and we both simultaneously said NO. The person asked us what was our reasoning and we said ’cause there is no place like home and Seattle is our home. (Lacresha actually said that I just nodded agreed.)

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