Leaf FAQ
Who can be honored with a Leaf of Remembrance? Anyone who has experienced homelessness in Seattle and died in Seattle.
Who can request a Leaf? Anyone wishing to remember a person who has experienced homelessness in Seattle and died in Seattle.
How do I make a request?
- https://fallenleaves.org/request-a-leaf provides comprehensive information.
- Leaf Request forms are available at the WHEEL office, alley entrance between 2nd and 3rd Avenues just north of Stewart Street in downtown Seattle.
- Email wheelorg@yahoo.com with the following information: the name of the person who died, date of birth (or at least year of birth), when and where s/he died, information about the person you would like to be remembered, where you would like the Leaf to be placed, and your name and contact information.
- By Mail To: The Homeless Remembrance Project Committee
c/o WHEEL PO Box 2548, Seattle, WA 98111-2548
What happens to my request? Your request will be considered by the Homeless Remembrance Project Committee. We will acknowledge your request, and consider it as soon as we can. We’re a small, volunteer-led Committee which meets once a month. We have a long list of requests-in-process; please do not let this discourage you from making a Leaf request.
How do you decide on Leaf locations? Our Committee tends towards installation of Leaves at locations where folks were known and loved, not sites of death. Our Committee almost always desires to lay Leaves in clusters—a few, or many, Leaves all at once. As of autumn 2023, we have 23 different already-permitted host sites throughout the City—see www.fallenleaves.org for a list of these. We do the best we can to honor site-specific requests (that meet our criteria) that would be added to these already-permitted host sites. Occasionally, our Committee considers a host site “full” with a preponderance of Leaves. In this case, most often we seek a nearby additional site for Leaves, but must go through all the approval processes with new host sites and for permits. Because of those arduous and time-consuming approval processes for NEW host sites (which include the Seattle Department of Transportation, the Seattle Design Commission, and sometimes Historic Commissions, etc), it most often takes a year’s advance notice to place new Leaves in a newly-requested host site.
How long does it take? We are unable to give any timeline or guarantee about fulfilling your Leaf request. Because of the affixing process (on sidewalks, with high-grade epoxy), we can lay Leaves only in the warm weather months, and only with host site permission and bureaucratic approvals including permits. Some of the other variables on timeline include: Location requested and host site approval, whether this is a new host site request (see above), number of Leaves Dedications already planned for the season, and Committee capacity.
What is the fee for a Leaf? There is no fee to request a Leaf or for a Leaf to be installed. We consider the Homeless Remembrance Project and these Leaves to be our gift to the City of Seattle and our homeless community. But, donations are needed, and are always welcomed and accepted gratefully.
How will I know whether/when my requested Leaf is approved, and when it will be dedicated and installed? The Homeless Remembrance Project Committee makes democratic decisions both on Leaf Requests and Leaf Locations. We make every effort to contact the requestor and any known family and friends if/when we make a decision and if/when we schedule a Dedication. But, please keep in touch, and follow our “Homeless Remembrance Project” site on Facebook to stay abreast of our efforts!
Where can I learn more about requesting a Leaf and about this project?
Email: wheelorg@yahoo.com Phone: (206) 956-0334
Homeless Remembrance Project on Facebook