Karen Marie Boyle, 1962—2007

Photo courtesy of the Seattle Mennonite Church
Karen street-slept in Lake City. She passed away in hospice care in May, 2007.
Karen’s Leaf is at the Seattle Mennonite Church in Lake City. If you have memories of Karen to share, please post a comment.

One Comment
Kirsten Anderberg
I remember Karen from the University District in Seattle in the 1970’s and then we saw each other in the 1990’s at a store on 65th Ave. where she worked. Karen was funny and spunky. She had an anti-authoritarian streak to her and could be hilariously sarcastic. She hung out with a group of us who all came from bad homes with out to lunch parents, basically. We were teens on the streets at all hours of day and night. We were sort of left to take care of ourselves. I am sad to see Karen slipped through the cracks…dying early. She is two years younger than me. A lot of the kids on streets in Seattle’s University District died young. It was a hard life. I was a homeless teen in the u district, it was hell. Well, Karen, wherever you are now…this is Kirsten checking in again, saying “hi!” It was an honor to meet you this lifetime, sister.