July 29, 2016 Leaf Dedication: Photos
Friday, July 29, the Homeless Remembrance Project Committee, in partnership with Seattle Mennonite Church, dedicated four new bronze Leaves of Remembrance in Lake City—for Scott Trezise, Eugene Menard, Steve Pond, and Robert Shand.
More than 60 people participated, including many family members and friends of those remembered.
Wonderful and touching stories were shared.
Friends and family chose the location of the new Leaves.
At the end of the Dedication, in the manner of a Jewish ritual, we placed stones on all 32 Leaves that now live at Seattle Mennonite Church.
We all enjoyed wonderful food together afterward.

In “The Antelope Wife,” Louise Erdrich said: “The dead exert a protective influence, and their spirits rejoice when their names are still used in the world!”
These people–our friends–will not be forgotten, and we’re grateful in the rejoicing of our spirits, together…