Pattayah “Tony” Poochaiyamont, 1967—2013
Pattayah (aka Anthony King) lived at 1811 Eastlake at the time of his death. His friend Dieter told us: “Tony used to sing karaoke. He had a troubled life; grew up in Vietnam with an American GI dad & Vietnamese mom; was adopted by a military family. He never lost his faith in God. He was a cheerful panhandler, a sweet godfearing fellow.”
Pattayah’s Leaf is located at the Recovery Cafe. If you have photos or memories of Pattayah, please post a comment to share them.
Featured Leaf September 2021
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This is my friend, “Pattaya” who committed suicide on September 29, 2013 while yet homeless. It was captured on a police patrol car’s dashcam video.
Pattaya was a very gentle man, always silly and giggling. He often talked of suicide, even joked about it. He hid pain by medicating himself with alcohol.
Somewhere he has a biological sister and mother; nobody amongst his many MANY friends know their names or contact information, other than they are either in Hawaii or Thailand. Sadly, like many of our “Street Family”, Pattaya was estranged from his stepfamily for many years. No emergency contacts.
On 12/28/2013 his friend, Dieter Pfeil, arranged a Memorial Service to honor Pattaya’s life.