Family and Adult Service Center (FASC) (2013 Third Ave.)*
Placed August 16, 2011:
- Robert Teubner: 1932—2005
- Steven Shropshire: 1949—2006
- Bud Sears: 1958—2006
- Timothy Dewitt: 1964—2001
- Bokary Loum: 1960—2006
- Thomas Fribley: 1958—2005
- Brian Reitan: 1971—2009
- Paul Corgatelli: 1953—2007
- Hilary Blue: 1974—2007
- Jeremy Campbell: 1975—2009
- Jose Marcos Lucio: 1962—1999
Placed July 24, 2022:
*NOTE: This location historically was home to the First Avenue Service Center, and then Compass Center’s Family and Adult Service Center, which has closed. Our Leaves remain at this location, but will move slightly northward, to 2013 Third Avenue, on July 24th, 2022. At that time we will be adding two new Leaves, for James “Frenchy” French, and William “Bill” Jarboe.