Eric Behrens 1960—2022
From Eric’s friend Robert:
I knew Eric Behrens since he was a workaholic in 1990. He never did drugs until around 2014, and I don’t think he ever had a criminal record. His mom is in Port Angeles. He always called her on every single holiday, and visited her once a year on Thanksgiving, until–he told me–he was too embarrassed of his state. There are many pictures and videos of Eric when he was healthy, and happy.
Eric Jordan Behrens came from a military family and traveled all over the world. I last came to bring him clothing, food, and tarps to his campsite in March.
He was doing worse and worse, sleeping alone, and his foot was badly hurting. I told him to go to the E.R.
He just moaned.
Eric was a very good man. Very quiet, and very knowledgeable, very humble. God Bless Eric, and his mom, and brother, and all of his brothers, here on earth.
Eric died of natural causes in Ballard Commons May 2022.
Eric’s Leaf is at Ballard Library. If you have photos or memories to share please post a comment.
Featured Leaf March 2023
Rondine Allison
What a beautiful story…. Thank you Robert for sharing ❤
Thanks, Rondine.
I can see you are grieving, also here.
Coolguy Eric!
Karl t behrens
Eric n I his brother spent many moons flying pan am. We have been around the world three (3) times. We have seen in person many temples. We have seen Mt. Everest in person. Eric was born Portland Oregon then Coral Gables, Florida then Delhi. India then Okinawa then Culpeper, Virginia. He was in the navy for two years. He could not wait to get out. Top secret. He got out of the navy in Seattle where I was living n we lived together for years. Well me n Eric had many awesome times together. For me Seattle was a awesome party city.
Awesome is the word to describe being around Eric! No fanfare. But one would have had to have been there. Lessons to be learned.
I wonder if/where he is, or if there is some place besides the fallen leaf memorial at the library in Ballard, Seattle – where there is a stone or some place like that to visit him. Maybe in PA, Wa.
I remember the name of a destroyer he was on, and he asked me to look up some of the names of his friends on there, since he didn’t care or want to do internet. His nickname on that boat was, “Ernie!” Ha ha!!! Anyway, you know that stuff.
I have some more pictures of Eric (just in boxes) before the whole (real) spiral started, as far as I know. As far as I know it was around 2014 for Eric, but it could’ve been backwards to around 2007. I just wasn’t around that part of it enough – but a person could sure see the difference around 2014. Not just with Eric, but so many others. That’s when we were supposed to meet at the Lake Union fireworks show, and I waited and he never showed up. He never did that. He never not showed up, and he was always on time. We remember things like that, afterward.
It happens fast sometimes, sometimes maybe not. But the Person here – was to me one of those special kinds of people.
It’s rare to run into people like that. I wish there were more of them around. I wish I could help stop a slow-moving bullet, but it’s weird how you lose track of a slow moving bullet. A very independent one.
He always knew how to rough it, and was always doing his own thing for whatever reason I think, but there’s a point where a person becomes DEPENDENT on other people. It’s not glamorous, and we need to actually really hang on to our egos – contrary to some of the learned (?) thought in the paradigm shift in the ’60’s. (in my opinion)
There are many good reasons that we have an ego for better or worse. The Eric that you could see and absorb on this earth was so much more cool-headed, and accepting of the problems that come with life, a special person taking care of number one. A real friend. I think probably everybody could agree to that.
Like I said, so many lessons learned, good and bad.
For a smile, from the story Cool Hand Luke referring to a game of cards as an allegory of life: “Sometimes no hand is a good hand.”