Bevin Rebecca Armstrong, 1984—2018
Bevin was born October 10, 1984 and died July 7, 2018 at 33 years old.
From Pastor Britt Olson of St. Luke’s Episcopal Parish:
Bevin moved from Nashville, Tennessee to Seattle in order to obtain legal, medical cannabis to help control severe epileptic seizures. She lived in a van in the Ballard neighborhood and participated in a number of community feeds including the St. Luke’s Edible Hope Kitchen, the Sunday night Ballard churches dinner at Ballard First Lutheran and Trinity Methodist lunches. She got her clothes (a lot of pink) at the Bridge Care Center and the University Temple Thrift Store. She was a Starbucks regular and enjoyed her favorite candy from Sweet Mickey’s sweet shop.
The Medical Examiner said he could find no reason for her death. Most likely it was the result of sudden, unexpected death in epilepsy. Her family have donated her body for scientific research.
Bevin was baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal Church and was a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal, where a Memorial Service was held on July 28, 2018. She is survived by her mother, Mary Lee, her brothers Kyle and Aaron, her companion Random and many people who cared for her. With Bevin’s death we experienced “the sharp knife of a short life.”
Bevin’s Leaf is placed at Ballard Commons. If you have photos or memories of Bevin, please post a comment.

Featured Leaf October 2018
One Comment
I knew Bevin Armstrong we were best friends from sixth grade but I stopped being her friend when she tried to sleep with my boyfriend and told me on Christmas day. I called her mother one the trying to reach her but it didn’t happen. I’m sry for not getting to clear the air before her passing . I give my regards to miss perkins