Alisha Elowyse Pillman 1992-2021
From Alisha’s friend Rachelle: “I just found out from your post on Facebook [Homeless Remembrance Project on Facebook] that my friend Alisha Pillman passed away in February 2021. Her birthday was April 13, 1992 and she died on February 2, 2021. I would like for her to be remembered with a Leaf. She was homeless in Seattle and Portland over the years.
“Alisha was QWOC [Queer Woman of Color] and I would like her Leaf to be on Capitol Hill, in a queer space. I really appreciate that you do this work. I was sad to find out through a google search and FB post, but the nagging feeling that she was gone has been confirmed and I can grieve. I was upset that she was cremated and no services for her. She was a kind-hearted person full of creativity. I still have some of her art from when she was a kid. Thank you again.”
Photo is from her friend Jennifer Candido, posted at the Tribute Wall of Alisha’s obituary.
Alisha’s Leaf is at All Pilgrims Church (laid on August 27, 2021). If you have photos or memories to share, please post a comment.
Featured Leaf February 2023